Lecture 3: 2015-09-21
- New GSI: Ram Srivasta
- GSI office hours (BBB 1695)
- Yunqi Zhang: Tue/Thu 12-1:00pm
- Ram Srivasta: Tue/Thu 5-6pm
- Course website, Piazza, Ctools
- HW1 will be out today, due next Friday, Oct 2nd (~2wks)
- This homework is not hard, but takes lots of time to figure LLVM out, so start soon!
- Reading
- Today's class
- Ch 9.6 from Dragon Book
- Or Ch 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 from Muchnick
- "Trace Selection for Compiling Large C Applications to Microcode" Chang and Hwu, MICRO-21, 1988
Concepts, Control flow graph
- BB
- Dominator, post dominators, immediate post dominators
- Preheader: sometimes it's an empty BB.
Loop detection
- Calculating the loop
- I-cache, selecting Traces.