Lecture 3: Problem solving as Search
- MLK day issue
Agent Design
Example Utility-Based agent
- in RPS game, I'm the dealer, so I win a tie.
- Cards are laid out in a row and we'll play through all three of them.
- 實物投影機!!
Route Planning
Taxonomy of agent types
graph TPS {
"Agent" -- "Simple Reflex";
"Agent" -- "Model based" -- "Goal based";
"Goal based" -- "Problem Solving agent";
How many states? How many reachable states?
- Missionaries(傳教士) and Cannibals(吃人的惡魔) 的渡河問題
- number of states?
- (Each object could be left, right or on the boat).
- (Each object just considered to be left or right).
- .
- number of states?
- 8 Puzzle
- Hanoi Tower
- .
- Sudoku Puzzle
- Multiple solutions...?
- Aces and Eights
- We need three volunteers
- "AA" "88" "8A"
- 1: I don't know, 2: I don't know, 3: Now I know!
- "Here is no randomness in this class :-)"
Well defined problems
Consists of:
- Initial state,
- set of available actions (also called operators), defined in terms of successor function
- goal test, a subset of states
- path cost function, .
- Multilated checkerboard
- The Locker problem (開燈問題, 第 $i$ 個人改變每 $i$ 盞燈的狀態)