Lecture 2
- Office hour changed to 10-11am tomorrow
- Seminars (every tuesday 3725BBB 4:10-5:15)
What are agents?
Goal: How to build these types of agents?
- what about the human agents? they run on behave of somebody.
- sport agents, actor agents, lawyers, contractors, travel agents, secret agents
- possible examples of computer-based agents?
- watson: for medical setting instead of jeopardy setting (?)
- why we call them "agents"? instead of programs?
- keep up with the latest buzzwords.
digraph agents {
"Environment" -> "Agent" [label="precepts"];
"Agent" -> "Environment" [label="actions"];
An Agent program (): A real-time computable function from observations to actions.
Evaluating agent behavior
examples: spam filter, stock money, crashing into things on driving?
- what do we expecting on the agents?
PEAS Description
- P: Performance measure: 要如何衡量成效
- E: Environment: 環境給我們什麼
- A: Actuators: Agent 可以如何影響環境, 可以做什麼?
- S: Sensors: 要如何測量/感知周圍的環境, 可以做到多好?
Example: Google Car
- Performance
- Get to a place fast or get to a "right" place fast
- Confidence or Safety
- profit
- envirnoment limit: weather, highways
- Sensors: wheels, distance sensors, ...
- Actuators: making the engine go, breaking system, controllers...
- Fully vs Partially observable
- ex: chess
- Deterministic vs stochastic (隨機地)
- Episodic vs Sequential (是否循序累積?)
- Static vs Dynamic
- Discrete vs Continuous
- Single-Agent vs Multiagent
- known vs unknown
Example: High-frequency trade agent
Rational Agents
Does not require omniscience.
Could involve information gathering
The role of coherence
- Abstract specification of a large class of behaviors.
Agent designs
- Model based agents
- a set of paper, rock, scissers
- ruled based agents
- Goal based agents
- if goal changed, keep tracking on
- Utility-Based agents
- pay a dollar
Evaluating agent designs
- Analytical proofs: prove that there is no better program
- Empirical evaluation
possible world representations
- Atomic
- factored
- structured